Sentinovo Intelligence Platform

The Sentinovo Intelligence Platform enables your business processes to take advantage of the power of OpenAI’s generative models to make your systems intelligent.

SIP integrates with your existing systems using a variety of off-the-shelf connectors allowing for ingress and egress via email, web/HTTPS, SMS, email, and Kafka. Your data is transferred securely and maintained in high-availability queues for intelligent processing. The results of the processing are then returned to your systems in a secure, fault-tolerant, and rate-limit aware manner.

Processing on the Sentinovo Intelligence Platform includes the full range of OpenAI capabilities: text summarization, text and image generation, language translation, question-answering, content analysis, model creation, API integration, and more. We maintain a set of highly effective prompts to use for any scenario and take advantage of prompt-chaining as appropriate to satisfy safety and quality requirements.

Contact us today to find out how we can use our Sentinovo Intelligence Platform to make your business more intelligent.